Running Life's Race

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30 April, 2024




The writer to the Hebrews gives us good New Testament counsel: “Let us run the race with patience.”

The Holy Spirit here describes Christian believers as runners on the track, participants in the race, which is the Christian life.

He provides both strong warning and loving encouragement, for there is always the danger of losing the race.

But there is also the victor’s reward awaiting those who run with patience and endurance.

So there are important things each of us should know and understand about our struggles as the faithful people of God.

For instance, it is a fact that the Christian race is a contest

. But in no sense is it a competition between believers or between churches!

As we live the life of faith, we Christians are never to be in competition with other Christians.

The Bible makes this very plain!

Christian churches are never told to carry on their proclamation of the Savior in a spirit of competition with other Jesus churches.

The Holy Spirit tells us to keep our eyes on Jesus not on others who are also running the race!


Let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

— Hebrews 12:1


The Holy Spirit tells us to keep our eyes on Jesus not on others who are also running the race!


Lord, help to remember that while I run this race, there are many teammates who run along side me. Help me to encourage them as they encourage me.