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21 August, 2023

The Purple Box:

Donations in the purple box at the back of the Church..

More From 'Notices'

Blankets for Babies

Blankets for Babies

The Highland Foundation is an organization that sends needed items to the Highlands of Papua New Guinea to help people.

They are looking for knitted blankets to give mothers after birth to keep their babies warm as the mountain area is very cold. If you could help,

it would be greatly appreciated. We are looking for people to knit or crochet blankets from spare wool they have.

The blankets to be 1.2m square or to knit squares of 15cm.

These can be put together by someone in the foundation. If you need more information contact Pat Aylesbury 0400 027 020.

Thanks Pat A


Prayer at the church Saturday Mornings

Every fortnight on Saturday mornings there is prayer at the Naracoorte Uniting Church.

9a.m to 10 am

Please contact the office or Trevor Barnett for details



Each month on the last Sunday - there is a luncheon held where we can get together and share our lives.

This luncheon is open to all and is held at one of the venues in Naracoorte.

Come and join and laugh and eat and fellowship.

For more information contact Lois Hoare at the office.
